News Article

Announcing the Kickoff of 2024 Soap Box Season

Bluegrass Youth Racing Foundation, a newly formed non-profit, is taking the reins of the 18th Annual Hopkinsville Soap Box Derby! We are excited about this endeavor, which is quickly approaching on Saturday, May 4, 2024. 

This year, we are kicking off Soap Box Derby with a Fun Day at Ruff Park on Saturday, March 23, 2024, from 10 am to 2 pm. Potential racers can climb into a soap box derby car that day and travel down the track to get a feel for being behind the wheel. Soap Box Derby is open to all children ages 7 to 20.  Registration is $50 and is due by April 14, 2024.

Our 12th Annual Super Kids Race will be held Friday, May 3, 2024, at 6:00 pm following Soap Box Derby practice runs and a cookout for racers and their families. We invite the entire community to join us Friday and Saturday to cheer on the racers as they compete to see who will have the opportunity to race at the 86th Annual International Soap Box Derby in Akron, Ohio.

There are dozens of club cars available for use this year, so purchasing a car is unnecessary. We will host several build clinics to help parents/guardians and racers customize the car to the racer within the specifications of the All American Soap Box Derby. We welcome anyone interested in learning more about Soap Box Derby or volunteering with us to come out for our Fun Day on March 23, 2024. You can find more information about events related to the 18th Annual Hopkinsville Soap Box Derby by visiting our Facebook – HopkinsvilleSoapbox.

We are looking for event sponsors. Any individuals or businesses interested in helping create an amazing experience for the racers can find out more information about sponsoring by visiting or calling 270-484-1555.